Like many of you, I've been watching the news coverage and my heart is just breaking for the people in Haiti. I've also been wondering what I could do to help? The obvious is to pray - fervently and without ceasing. Secondly, I can give. Even if it is a little bit - a little bit put together with everyone else's little bit will go a long way to helping. My husband and I will be prayerfully considering where to give our donation and I ask that you do same.
Crystal over at Money Saving Mom is hosting a "Help for Haiti" project at her blog. Please go and check it out. If you are a blogger, please link up with her as I've done on this post. For every blog link, she is donating $10 to Compassion International .
Toni at The Happy Housewife is donating $1 for every comment to her church's relief fund.
And, at Frugal Hacks today, Deputy Headmistress who blogs at The Common Room gives ideas on how you can help even when you don't think you have any extra money to give. There are some great ideas and reminders that it doesn't matter how much you have, or don't have in your bank account, you can still give something.
While I don't have the readership to sponsor donations like Crystal and Toni, there is something I can do. I have a few books sitting on my shelf that I've been wanting to list on ebay. Maybe now would be a good time to do so and then donate my profits. Something little but in the long run, something beneficial and big.
There are many, many more bloggers out there doing their part to help those who are hurting. What are you doing?