I thought I'd take part in this challenge since I have a few books I'd like to read and maybe this will help me be more accountable. Here's my list in no particular order:
1. The Scarlet Thread by Francine Rivers - reading it for the second time for my book club
2. Dawn's Prelude by Tracie Peterson
1. Little House on the Freeway: Help for the Hurried Homeby Tim Kimmel - I bought this at a Family Life Weekend to Remember conference back in February where Tim Kimmel was the speaker. I highly recommend these conferences. They are a great opportunity for you and your hubby to spend time alone together and reconnect.
2. Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper. I've heard good things about how this book challenges you so I want to delve into it.
I may get a few more in but we'll see how it goes. What are you reading this fall?
Go to http://callapidderdays.com/2009/09/fall-into-reading-2009-time-to-start-reading.html to see what others in the blogosphere are reading.
Francine Rivers is a favorite author of mine and Tracie is fast making the same list! Enjoy your fall reading.