The most frugal snack around - short of fruit and veggies - has to be popcorn. When I was a kid, we had popcorn just about every Friday night while we watched our favorite Friday night lineup on CBS. My mom used our cast iron skillet and a lid. I have not been able to master a regular pot much less my cast iron so I use a whirly pop crank style pot. It is so easy and quick - last night we cranked out a bowl of popcorn in 5 minutes - that's from kernel to in the bowl, ready to eat!
I can buy a bag of popcorn kernels from the Wal-Mart SuperCenter for $1.49 a bag. Typically, I get 8-10 large bowls of popcorn from one bag - maybe more. I have to admit I am not the chief popcorn maker at my house. That title belongs to my hubby - he makes the best popcorn and is always willing to oblige!
One bowl will feed all 5 of us on our Friday Family Movie Night. Sometimes we make two bowls depending on what we had for dinner - I have teens, too, so they are always hungry!
Popcorn is generally very healthy until you add the toppings. We use a white cheddar seasoning I buy at Wal-Mart for $1.99 a jar - not cheap but it sure is yummy! Sometimes we'll have the popcorn with just butter and salt or butter and Old Bay (for the crab lovers!) or parmesan cheese and garlic salt. All are winners!
Check out Life as a Mom for other Frugal Friday ideas.
Like the idea of various toppings! Ours so far has only been Parmesan cheese.